Latest News
You can now also catch up with Aa the Claick, as it happens, by reading the latest posts in our “Latest News and Articles” section at the side of each page. And, if you think you’ve missed any news, you can easily search for it using the search box at the side of each page, or browse through the “News and Articles Archive“.
Our newsletter “Aa the Claick” – a local phrase meaning ‘all the recent news or gossip’ – is produced by our Editor and has traditionally been distributed quarterly. The Newsletter contains news regarding the Society and also very interesting and informative articles, many of which have been provided by our Members.
Send us an Article
The Editor is always delighted to receive articles for publication in the newsletter. For example, it could be a story about your research, or findings, a visit to discover your roots, or even a plea for help to break down your brick wall. If you would like to submit an article please contact the Editor.
Open Evenings 2016
The Society holds five Open Meetings a year. Everyone is welcome, members and non-members. They usually consist of an illustrated talk followed by an opportunity to mingle and chat. Occasionally we organise a visit to a local Archive or Museum.
Events Planned for 2016
Check back here for updates on events as they are announced.